At least she told us at the end of dinner.
Sarah, you see, used Aaron's toothbrush.
She told him that he would notice when he went into the bathroom.
That is because there are these "threads" on the bottom of it.
Well , they look like threads.
Aaron's current toothbrush stands on the counter in the bathroom. It was a "special" kiddie-interest toothbrush that I got in a two pack at the dollar store.
It stands on the counter, instead of in the toothbrush holder.
The bottom of it is a bit larger in diameter than a standard toothbrush, and it is flat, or mostly flat, along its bottom.
This is very handy, if you do not have a stand for the toothbrushes- which we actually do have.
This was also very handy, in an emergency, which is what Sarah decided it was.
When she saw the spider.
Those "threads " are its legs.
Sarah was rather proud of herself.
You see, I am the family exterminator. I kill the wasps, mosquitos, moths.
And the spiders.
I do not flinch.
In this family that makes me brave.
What can I say? We have very low standards.
I know this because my 6'3" son and my 5'10" daughter scream for me to come when they see an insect. Sometimes, my husband does this, as well.
So, Sarah, felt rather proud of herself.
And I felt rather glad that she had waited until the very end of dinner to share this.
And Aaron felt....
Well, being the compassionate mother that I am , I told him, "Don't' worry, I have a new toothbrush for you!"
After all, it was a two-pack
And , having read this story, you are probably feeling thankful that the picture was a bit out of focus.