Thursday, November 28, 2013

Story of the Day 11/ 25/ 2013

My daughter told me that a strange person called her. Okay, not a strange person, a person from a strange phone number, as in a number that she doesn't recognize.

I opened up and had her read the number to me, and I did a reverse number check.

Lo and Behold, it was her doctor's office calling her.

Not only that, Sarah says that they left a message for her, a voice message.

I told her that she needed to call them, tomorrow.
"But why?"
"To tell them," I replied, "that it is very nice the they left you a voice message, but they have somehow forgotten that you are their deaf patient and you cannot hear the message. Perhaps, you could say, you would like them to try again."

You see, I was wrong, it was a strange person who left the message.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Story of the Day 11/ 24/ 2013

My son, the one up in South Bend who is taking a design class, called me and told me that the class is taught by a woman who is an artist; and , last week, she showed the class some images of her work.

My son remarked, "Oh , you draw naked people!"

The instructor corrected him, "those are called nudes."

"No, my mom does those, and she calls them naked people." Aaron replied.

I am not sure what the instructor thinks of him or of me, but , at least, she smiled.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Story of the Day 11/ 21/ 2013

I haven’t died, but I am childless, for the moment, and this tends to lead to a dearth of stories.
If you do not know what I mean, it means that you do not have children.

A friend of mine knows what I mean. She has children.
She has three of them, all attractive boys who are each unique and distinctive and talented.

Her two oldest sons are in high school- the same, somewhat notorious high school that my children attended and which led to numerous Stories of the Day.

One of the young men, who will need an alias for this story, so let us call him Alex, has autism and is supposed to be having an evaluation done by the school system. Alex is charming and talented, but he is most definitely also dealing with autism. It affects a lot of his interactions with people at school and it is important to evaluate him and, thereby, know what should be done to help him achieve his best.

Her other high school aged son will be called Ben, for this story (A and B, I am not original.) Ben is also a charming and talented young man. He does not have autism. He does, however, happen to be a teenager and can be annoying and distracted, but he is nowhere on the spectrum.

Well, today, my friend received a phone call from an unfamiliar number. She wrote to me, “ The woman told me she was a speech therapist contracted by Washington Twp to do evals. She informed me she had evaluated my son this am. However, she was sorry to say she had evaluated the wrong son.”

The good news is that he “ did well” on the evaluation. The bad news is that his school day was interrupted and he was left wondering why some woman was testing his listening and writing skills; and his teacher was wondering why he was being asked to fill out something asking him if Ben could follow directions in class and if he had trouble expressing himself.

It is nice that Ben did well on the evaluation.

Obviously, though, someone at the school did not.