Sunday, June 19, 2016

Story of the Day 4/ 6/ 2016

My husband had a Lost Weekend.
Although, it wasn't just the weekend, and he isn't the one who lost it.
He never had it.

Larry just returned from visiting his father, my father-in-law, in New York. This past Sunday, Larry flew from Indianapolis to New York and rented a car at the airport and drove out for a visit with his father.

It was a good visit.
If you like deli sandwiches and kosher Chinese food, it was even a great visit. And, when it came time to leave, my husband drove back and returned the rental car and got to his plane, just in time, (very barely just in time, since TSA security was moving slowly) and came home.

It wasn't until he was already on the plane that he noticed he 'd had a lost weekend. Or a weekend that happened without him, although "weekend" isn't exactly correct.
You see, the car return papers said he had picked the car up , last Friday, in Nevada, and then returned it, today, Wednesday, in New York.
Except that my husband picked it up in New York. On Sunday. And last Friday he was at home, with me.
And I really do remember it.

This leaves us with several possibilities.
It is possible that he was abducted by aliens, after I dropped him at the airport, on Sunday.
And, in this situation, the aliens did a time transport of him back to the previous Friday and dropped him off at the car rental place in Nevada,
Then , at some point, those aliens wiped all memory of it and inserted new memories for him.

This is , however, unlikely, because I think he would have needed to eat between Nevada and New York, and there were no charge card bills for food.

Another possibility is that his evil twin did it, using his credit card.
But he doesn't have a twin- good, evil or even just so-so.

This leaves us with another possibility.
the car rental company messed the bill.

I hope that you appreciate my wonderful deductive reasoning.

At any rate, my husband called the car rental place to explain to them that he really wasn't in Nevada.

After about 45 minutes, a few apologies, and at least three confused customer service representatives , the rental company agreed there had actually been an error.
On their end.

So, my husband was not lost.
Nor was his weekend.
Although, their records were.

Friday, June 10, 2016

June 10, 2016- recently completed gouaches

Well, I am probably going do a bit more work on the portrait of Enoch ( the Native American dancer/performer)

Monday, June 6, 2016

Story of the Day 6/ 2/ 2016

My son works in a special education classroom in a middle school.
The classrooms is very well staffed. There are teachers, teacher's aids and my son, a behavioral mentor for one of the students who is violent.

Today, after work, he stopped home and needed a hug.
He had a very hard day, and not because of the student with whom he works.

One of the classroom aids was looking at her tablet and my son noticed that a 19 year old.... and he could really only see the heading for the article... had been arrested for murdering 3 people on a "Purge".

My son remarked to her " I can't believe that dude went on a killing purge. Do you think it has anything to do with that movie called The Purge?"

She responded, "Yeah, that was a good movie. It's about killing homeless people past curfew. It's a good idea, because our planet is overpopulated."

My son told me , "And then I pretended I was not sitting next to a creepy person, which was harder to do than I expected."