Saturday, February 14, 2009

Story of the Day 2/ 14/ 2009

An old story I related over lunch, today, at shul.
The topic of needing new clothes came up, because a friend admired my suit, and I mentioned that it was the 7th outfit I had tried on, trying to get dressed for shul, because the first 6 skirts wouldn’t zip. My very nice friend said, “So, buy some more clothes!“ A much nicer statement than ,“Well, lose the fat!“
Incidentally, if you get the second answer in that tone of voice, it lets you know it is time to get new friends.
Luckily, I didn’t.
The following is a story I have told before, so forgive me , if I am boring you:

I was in a college class.
This is a somewhat permanent vocation for me. As my father used to say, “:College was the best 11 years of my life.“
If you put mine down , chronologically, it would be longer than that.
Anyhow, there was another aged adult (30’s) and myself, and a bunch of 18-20 year old young women- some of whom regularly showed up a bit hung over from the weekend.
The other elderly student and I used to sit near one another. It was comforting to be in the presence of another person who had done the reading. And she was aware of the house fire that basically left us sans everything except our family, 6 months before.
Sitting right next to me, on the other side, was a young woman who was talking about needing to buy a lot of new clothes, because all of her s were “old”.
How old could they be? She had probably been the same size for a total of 4 years…
The woman next to her, remarked, “Nothing in my closet is more than a year old!” As if this were one of the great accomplishments of her life.

Okay, maybe it was.

I couldn’t’ resist.
I added, “Well, none of my clothes are more than 6 months old.”They were very impressed, and my friend was trying very hard not to choke from trying not to laugh.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

heehee. And I always have fun saying things to my (other) mother like, "Do you know you are old enough to have a daughter who is wearing clothes that are 30 yrs old?" I don't wear my HS overalls anymore, but I do wear my dad's tennis sweater, and that's c. 1975.
I'm currently annoyed that my 15 yo turtlenecks are wearing out & I will have to go shopping next fall.