My husband had a vacation day.
He had a doctor's appointment , this morning.Very exciting.
But then we had a hot date planned for this afternoon, after I was done with work.
I let him buy me a frozen drink with the gift certificate he got from another doctor.
If you send another doctor a lot of referrals, you sometimes get a holiday gift. A mug or a Starbucks' gift certificate.
He must not have sent the other doctor very many referrals- only a $15 gift card. Although, it did come in a cute little red knitted pouch- so maybe he did.
But that was only the first part of our hot date.
My husband has been curios.
Very curious.
He wanted to see the new store I have been shopping at.
The place at which I have been buying sweaters for Aaron and myself, and tee shirts for Esther .
I even bought us a nice rug for the family room.
On Shabbat, my friend, Harriet, showed up at synagogue wearing a lovely jacket she had gotten there.
Well, that wasn’t this Shabbat, it was a few weeks ago.
And, since his favorite store closed, he thought, “Why not see it?”
So I took him there.
He almost bought two books.
And he paid for what I bought without grumbling: a raincoat, a fall jacket, two jackets and a sweater for Aaron, a sweater for Esther and a few other things.
He wouldn’t’ wear the gloves I brought for him, and didn’t quite get into rummaging through the bins.
But he told me, he was glad for the experience.
You should see where I told him I would take him on our next hot date!
why would you buy him gloves he won't wear?
poor dad....
I didn't buy him any gloves- I had him bring a pair. U dont' want to go rummaging through the bins without them.....
Oh, Esther, I'm so sorry your parents have such a sad, pathetic life. The offer I made when you were born for you to come live with me still stands.
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