I had to go to the bathroom.
It was a 40-minute drive home, and it is very, very hard to drive when your legs are crossed, especially since my car has standard transmission.
So I handed Sarah my tote bag and my water bottle, and she, with long suffering patience, stood outside the ladies room at Conseco Fieldhouse.
Conseco is the sports arena where the NBA (National Basketball Association) and WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) games are played, where the circus performs, when it comes to town, where Glee will be performing, next week, and, since we are in Indiana, a heck of a lot of country/Western singers perform.
We had come for the Tip Off party for the WNBA season. The program was over, and since I’d had a large cup of coffee before we had left home, I was in the bathroom, and Sarah was standing outside the women’s room. You need to understand that Sarah has developed a cast iron bladder, which has, for several years, meant she has not needed to use a public restroom. While I find this to be admirable, I have not attained this level of fortitude. What this means is that Sarah is rather used to standing outside of restrooms waiting for me
While she was standing there in the dark hallway of the building, one of the younger players runs past her, does a double take, turns around and says, “Would you like a shoe?”
Sarah has her hands full, so she cannot speak, not that the player would understand her signing…so Sarah shrugs her shoulders.
Sarah later tells me, she is not a pervert who collects people’s clothing.
This pleases me, because I have done my best to not raise perverts.
Oddballs, yes- perverts, no.
The player takes her shoe and a marker, scrawls her name on the shoe and hands it to Sarah. Sarah contorts her laden hand to sign thank you, and the player enthusiastically signs that back to Sarah, several times, and then she leaves.
The player, not Sarah.
A moment later, I come out of the bathroom, and find Sarah standing there holding the bag and the bottle and a shoe.
Oh, and looking rather stunned.
When Sarah told Harriet about this, Harriet wanted to know how Sarah knew what the player had said.
“She was very easy to speech read”
Harriet remarked. “Boy, she would make a better interpreter than the one you have at school!”
Harriet, that's ample reason to save that shoe forever!
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