So, we have the camera back.
After a month.
And it isn't working quite right.
Although, it is working.
And I also have a gift card from Best Buy.
The place that lost it, lost it again, and sort of fixed it.
And we need a new TV.
You see, our TV is great. Wonderful picture. Really great. Much better than most TVs I see in showrooms.
But the dvd player will no longer work with it.
And that is the main pruprose of it, for us.
We do not have cable, or a satellite dish.
We watch dvds.
In fact, the original excuse, I mean reason we bought a large screen TV for a lot of money was to watch movies- the movies that are shown uncaptioned in theaters and therefore cannot be understood and enjoyed by my family, which cannot hear.
Instead, we wait the 6 months until the films are released on DVD, and then we watch them.
So , having a nice, large screen TV becomes our only really good access to movies.
And it is worth it.
Or, it was, until we stopped being able to watch dvds on it.
So, last week, Aaron and I hauled it down the stairs and out to my car- where, with careful maneuvering, it barely fit.
I had taped the cable, the remote and the instruction book in a ziploc to the back, and a large note on the front explaining what worked and what didn't.
Then my son drove it off to the thrift store that benefits the battered women's shelter, where they can hopefully get $20 for it; and someone can hook it up to cable and enjoy it.
And now, we are hunting for a new TV.
But not at Best Buy.
Because even though they sent us a gift card that would pay for some part of it ( thought not a substantial part), I cannot face going through another "Best Buy experience".
1 comment:
Not being able to hear at the movie theater has its advantages...
1) You don't have to hear the idiots behind you talking through the whole movie, bragging that they can "do THAT better than Sylvester Stallone can". (insert rollie eyes here)
2) You don't have to hear the idiots in front of you talking on their cellphone (and me probably bitching at them 10 minutes later cuz they are STILL talking).
and finally,
3) You don't have to hear the idiots ALL AROUND you loudly chewing with their mouths open, slurping their giant $14.00 sodas, stuffing their faces with all kinds of junk they normally wouldn't eat at home and then belching it all up the rest of the way through the movie.
Those are some of the reasons I quit going, years ago! I prefer movies at home too - I can pause anytime I want and not have a mass riot on my hands :-)
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