Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Story of the Day 10/15/2017

I have two sons. One is deaf and the other isn't.
Last night, which would have been Saturday night, but , as it was past midnight, it was Sunday , my son was disturbed, four times, by an alarm. Not his smoke detector, which has been in a state of disrepair for close to a month (and about which he has repeatedly notified his apartment complex's office), but his car alarm. Obviously , it is rather loud alarm, since he could hear it from his apartment.

Let me get back to the fact that I have two sons. The one in this story is the DEAF one.
So, maybe , this is more statement about the quality of the walls and the windows in his apartment complex....the same apartment complex that has left him with a broken smoke detector in his apartment.....

He told this to my husband, this morning ( Sarah and I were not home), and my husband had the exact same response that I did, when he repeated it to me., "What car alarm?"
My son drives our old 2009 Honda Civic. It never had a car alarm, while we had it; and we couldn't imagine him, in his very subsistence-style of living, having one installed in his car .

My husband explained that it was the car alarm that goes off when you push the panic button.
Oh, that car alarm.
No wonder he heard it.

And, each time, he pressed the button on the fob, and the alarm stopped.
But, at 2 AM, having done this for the 4th time, he decided to call AAA.

He described the problem to the woman from AAA, on the phone, and she told him that it was probably because of a low car battery; and that he would need to have his car towed to a place that could install a battery for him.

She asked him , if he had a place he preferred. He didn't, so, the AAA truck towed him to a place that is several miles away. And for which he had to pay the additional towing mileage.

When my son called my husband, this morning,- not at 2:300AM, when the car was towed, but after 8 AM, he explained that he was going to need to come over to figure out exactly where the car was ( to Google the address), and a ride to go get the car.

My daughter drove over and picked him up from his apartment, and he spent several minutes realizing that he had both the name of the place, as he remembered it, and the address wrong.
Fortunately, he had the receipt for the towing, and he called that place.

Turns out, they towed him to a place that isn't open on Sunday.
So much for getting his battery replaced and having his car to get to work, tomorrow.

At this point, my son's obnoxious mother suggested that he call AAA, and ask them to meet us where the car had been left, and have AAA change the battery. Afterall, the last few times, Ive had batteries die, AAA came out and changed them for us...making me wonder why they had towed him, last night...especially since the place they picked meant he had to pay a towing charge.....
But, as it turns out, they do not change batteries until after 6 AM, so instead of explaining that to him, as an option, last night, they towed his car to a place ( for a fee) that will not be open , until tomorrow.

And, they will not meet us there to change his car's battery,; not today, at any rate.
You see, they will not make another call out for him, for another 24 hours, because they dropped it at a repair place that is not open ( they informed him that they put the key in the drop box)...even though they dropped it ( the place that they picked) at place that is not open on Sundays.
They will not even do it for us, knowing that my son has ( not in his car, but in his possession) both the title to the car, and the extra key.

And I am ....not feeling very happy with AAA .

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