Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Story of the Day 1/14/2010

Sarah came home from school today, got off the bus and came into the house with a huge smile plastered across her face.
She said, “I have great news for you.”
And then she gestured for me to guess.
I assumed it was about the Deaf School.
“They fired J.B.?” This is the Social Studies teacher that taught the class that the Holocaust never happened. Of course, this teacher is still teaching Social Studies at the Deaf School.
Sarah is still smiling broadly and gesturing for me to guess again.

“They fired T.W. ?” This is the teacher that literally stalked Sarah, when she was in elementary school. At a meeting with the superintendant, Cindy Lawrence, the supervising teacher literally cried. She was so frustrated with trying to stop this teacher from following my daughter all sorts of places, including leaving a classroom of students unattended to follow my daughter into the bathroom. Of course, this teacher is still teaching at the deaf school.
Sarah is still smiling broadly and gesturing for me to guess again.
Okay, I am struggling.
“They fired the principal?” One a scale of 1 to 10 she is not in the same category as those teachers, but she has told me in writing that they will not be following my daughter’s IEP. Not a good sign from a principal of a school where every student has an IEP. However, she certainly fits in with choosing consciously to employ J.B. and T.W. to teach children.
And despite her grin, I am out of guesses.
“I am transferring to North Central High School.”
This is the public high school her sister and brother attended - the one with the absolutely wonderful Deaf and HH resource teacher. The same one Linda Wilkins and I rave about every time we get together for coffee. The one who makes sure the IEPs are followed. And at a school that does things like fire teachers who stalk students and who teach that Hitler was a nice guy.
I managed not to faint.

Later, on the phone, I call and tell Cindie the news.
I tell her I need to go out and buy one of the 4 lottery tickets I will probably buy, this year. It is a sign from above that we might just get lucky and win money for the synagogue to build a mikveh.
Of course, Cindie is smarter than I am. She says to hell with the lottery ticket. This is better than winning the lottery.
She is right.


Unknown said...

That is great news! I have always been so frigging mad every time I heard how they treated her at the Deaf School...grrrr. My congratulations to Sarah!

Cassia Margolis said...

THANKS! we appreciate teh good wishes. Right, not sure when teh move will be.....we are awaiting the scheduling of a move-in conference. I think they are waiting ona transcript........I have moments when I feel so relieved that i tear up.....but then I think I better not jinx teh short tiem she has left there by feeling too optomistic that teh move will be soon!