Thursday, October 18, 2012

Story of the Day 10/ 16/ 2012

"Sarah is a nerd! She's a nerd!"
My son was being very loud. In sign language.

He had just found out that Sarah does not have to go to school, on Wednesday, until 4th period. That is because the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be taking tests (PSAT and PLAN) and she is a senior and done with all of that.

The school has forms that are available in the front office for seniors to use to state where they will be, so that they can be excused until 4th period.
School starts at 7:25 AM. This means that seniors will not need to get to school until 10:25 Am. If you are a teenager, that sounds like a wonderful bonanza of either sleep or video gaming.

But, just to irk her brother (okay, not really just for that reason) Sarah has decided to go to school at 7:25, anyhow, so she can work on a project.
Not a project that is due anytime soon, either.
She is working ahead.
Way ahead.
The project is due December 14th.
That is two months from now.

Aaron isn't done, "She is the world's biggest nerd!"

I looked at him and said, "Thank God!"

"Because she isn't' lazy like me?" he asked.

Do I really need to answer that?

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