Monday, July 6, 2009

Story of the Day 7/ 06/ 2009

Story of the Day 7/ 06/ 2009

Another day, another reason to be confused.
There is the general confusion. I think that is the long list that includes having trouble finding my car keys.
Then there is the more specific confusion.
Why is the JHAH video on Jews of India one of our most popular? Are deaf people all over the world just fascinated by that one topic? They even re-watch it at a good rate.
Why does the expiration date on the milk say 6/31/09 when there are only 30 days in June?
And why does my son want to launder and re-launder every white towel in the house? Okay, that is because he wants white lint.
He has decided that white lint on a black velvet background will look sufficiently like stars in outer space.
After cogitating over this, I may need to go lie down for awhile. Except that I think he may have taken my white sheets to launder, as well.


DC said...

We are from the same planet. I knew it all along!

Esther said...

what a waste of energy
get him some glitter

Cassia Margolis said...

too late - it is on video!!!!
he has also taped "Ruth".....