Sunday, February 28, 2010

Story of the Day 1/ 28/ 2010

Today was Sarah’s second full day as a student at North central High School.
She marked it as a special day by vomiting.
She was very proud of herself, too. She managed to make it , not only into the girl’s bathroom, which was somewhat of a miracle, since she has no idea where the bathrooms are , yet, but even into the toilet. Not her, that is, but the vomit.
Afterwards, she ended up in the health center.
The health center was a step down from the one at the deaf school.
Sarah realized that when the woman asked her if she could get her anything, and Sarah asked for a toothbrush and toothpaste- so she could get rid of the disgusting post-vomit mouth –feel.
And the Health Center lady was startled. No , They don’t’ have those…….which surprise Sarah, since ISD’s health center does.
When asked , she tried to explain that she was stressed by the change in her schedule. She explained that she had just transferred.
Sarah is very concerned that she might vomit again, tomorrow.
She is worried that if she goes to the health center that the woman will think that she is lying. Either that or pregnant.
My face showed my utter astonishment at this remark.
To which Sarah responded, “Well, I am a girl.”
And she added that’s he would be mortified if they asked her to take a pregnancy test.

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