Sunday, February 28, 2010

Story of teh Day 2/ 22/ 2010

Sarah was surprised by the interpreter, today.
Not by one of the usual “surprise “ scenarios, where the interpreter signs “ erection” instead of mail box flag, or the interpreter tells her that World War II started in the year 939. This was more personal.

The interpreter had met Aaron.

This is one of the interpreters Sarah has had since starting at North Central High School, a few weeks ago- and because there was no mention of this, before, Sarah was surprised.
She was also surprised because Aaron doesn’t use an interpreter. So how did they meet?
Well, the interpreter wasn’t at school to interpret for Aaron, she was there to interpret for another student, who didn’t’ show up, so the interpreter went to the Resource teacher to let her know. And Aaron was in the room with the Resource teacher.

Aaron introduced himself and then he said, “ I am deaf. I mean , I am not that kind of deaf, but I'm deaf. I can hear, but I can’t really hear. But I have a sister, and she is really deaf. “

He had made a lasting impression. Apparently, no one else had ever introduced themselves to this young woman that way, before.
She must not get around much.

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