Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Story of teh Day 3/ 26/ 2010

Sarah’s TOR ( resource teacher) told Sarah that she needed to let her teachers know that she will be missing school for 2 days for the end of Passover. So, yesterday morning, after the interpreter, who showed up late, came, Sarah explained very carefully and clearly that she would be absent from school on April 5th ad 6th, Monday and Tuesday , after spring break was over. She also asked if he had any make-up work he could give her for those days.

She got an odd look from her teacher, and then a response that made no sense. Apparently, the interpreter told the teacher that Sarah was absent on Monday and Tuesday and wanted make-up work from 5th and 6th periods….although Sarah never said anything about periods, and has this class during 1st period.

Of course, Sarah is now a pro at this and repeated, even more slowly and carefully, that she would be absent on April 5th and 6th, the Monday and Tuesday after spring break, and did he have any make-up work she could do for those days.
Since, this time, his response was appropriate, she knows the basic information was relayed, but she is concerned that the interpreter did not explain that it was the interpreters’ mistake and that the teacher now thinks that she is incredibly stupid.
Yes, this is the same unethical interpreter who previously refused to even interpret the correct information, after she had erred.

My husband thinks we should make a t-shirt for Sarah to wear to school. It should say, “I am not retarded, the interpreter is.”

The problem is that this would be insulting to the ethical and hardworking students who are intellectually challenged, even if the basic message is the Gospel truth.

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