Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Story of the Day 4/26/2010

It was too much to hope for.
A decent interpreter.
We had rec’d an email from Sarah’s TOR ( resource teacher) on Friday that a permanent terp would be starting, today. A good terp.
But she didn’t’.
Instead, Sarah had two terps, each for part of the day.
The one wasn’t’ awful, but the other…
Well, Sarah corrected a number of her more interesting signs. And the terp has a slew of poorly mis-learnt grammar problems- which made watching her….un-educational.
But the thing that Sarah didn’t’ correct and that made her rather uncomfortable, is that every time the terp signed “Hitler” she added “Seig Heil” along with the sign.
As Sarah said, “that is a very powerful thing to sign, and it made me uncomfortable.”
No shit. It is amazing she doesn’t work at the Deaf School.

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