Monday, July 11, 2011

Story of the Day 7/9/2011

I reminded Aaron that we will be getting together, tomorrow, with someone who has a daughter who is hard of hearing.
Aaron, of course, is some sort of a role model or something. This is because he speaks. To Hearing parents, that makes him something akin to the Holy Grail.

Obviously, only if they don’t know him very well.

He says to me, “But I am not hard of hearing.’
”I know, you are deaf.”
”But I talk like a Hearing person.”
”Sometimes,” I add, “ when you talk, I can tell you are not Hearing.”
”Well, so sometimes I talk like a drunk Hearing person.”
“A very drunk Hearing person. And only on a very good day.”

Hopefully, he will not do part of his standup routine for them, after all, their daughter is an impressionable 6 year old.

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