Monday, July 16, 2012

Story of the Day 6/ 29/ 2012

Having children is expensive.
First there are the diapers, and the clothes and the shoes, and the cheerios.
Then there are school supplies and backpacks and bicycles and college tuition,
which you have to pay twice, if your son goes to Ivy Tech, since they lost the first payment.....

And , then, of course, there are the pink bow ties, and the trash cans and the Barbie dolls and the other props for their movies.
Which still beats buying yellow rubber ducks which took 3 days and 8 different stores and a major-league garage search.

It is also a total pain, because i have to clean my house since we are so poor that " shooting on location" means using our kitchen, our breakfast room, and sometimes the bathroom.

The only really good part about the newest film is that Aaron is home, which means that I am not the one who will be driving to 8 different stores for a yellow duck that is a plain yellow duck and doesn't' have a pirate's eye patch and isn't blue and..... or searching through 4 or 5 different Goodwills for assorted other props.

Today, Sarah had me read over the script.
She wanted feedback.

i have not figured out why she would want feedback from me.
I was the person who couldn't' figure out why throwing tea in people's faces would be funny, or how she was going to make a decent film with a talking duck, or how.....
I just don't' have the imagination.
At least not, their kind.

So I read the script.
It made about as much sense to me as throwing tea at people, and talking yellow ducks.

Sarah asked me if I had any other "helpful" feedback.

"There are several grammatical mistakes."
Sarah looked at me, "Well, that is how Aaron wrote it. I also thought there were errors, but he is the one who speaks English."

I wanted to say, "But not as well as you do", except that, of course, she doesn't' speak.

In the meanwhile, I told her to make a list of the various props they will need, and what they estimate the cost will be.
And where they think they are going to find a pink bow tie. In Indianapolis.

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