Thursday, February 21, 2013

Story of the Day 2/ 6/ 2013

I received a frantic phone call from my mother.
The phone call wasn't frantic, my mother was.
And my mother is NEVER frantic.

She had received a phone call.
The person had left a message. His name was something like "Aaron Goldstein" or maybe "Aaron Goldman".
But my mother was worried it was actually an Aaron Margolis-Greenbaum who had called.
My mother was worried that it was my son, her grandson, Aaron, and that he needed her.

I told my mother that this was unlikely.
It was 2:45 PM. My son was in Lawrence. Lawrence is a northern suburb of Indianapolis.
He was at his EMT class.
Yes, his car could have broken down ( it is a 1993 Honda Civic) , he could have lost his wallet, he could be hungry and thirsty.
But he was about 30 minutes from home. okay, maybe 35.
And he has a AAA card.
And a mother with a cell phone.
So, why would he call his grandmother in New York, a mere 721 miles away, if it was a real emergency?

Especially since he s deaf and cannot hear well on a phone.

My mother was still worried. Actually, very worried.
She was sure, somehow, that her little grandson, all 6'3" of him, might need her help.
I told her not to worry, that I would call my son and ask if he had called her.

I called Aaron.
It turns out he had called his grandmother.
But not on purpose.
He had somehow managed to butt dial her, and his voice message was what was left on her phone's answering machine.
My mother had been butt dialed.

As I called my mother back, to let her know what had happened, I realized that my intelligent and well educated , and normally very calm mother, was exactly the person who would send $1,200 to her grandson who had somehow gotten into trouble and ......I felt very lucky that no scam artists had her phone number.

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