Saturday, February 23, 2013

Story of the Day 3/ 8/ 2012

You read it correctly. This story of from 2012, from last year.
I didn't post it, then, because it took me a few months to get approval, and when I finally did, I felt it was meant to be posted as a Purim Story of the Day. So, I have been saving it, until now.
I was also uncertain abut posting it.
Th remark , at the end, was a put down of a group of people- and I do not agree with it- but the setting and who made it ....well, it was surreal in a very Purim way. ( The same way that a photo of a father in Mea Shearim ( which has been making the rounds for a few years) is ....odd because he has his many children all costumed for the jewish holiday in Santa costumes, or some of the other odd things that get said.)

Happy Purim!

Story of the Day 3/ 8/ 2012

Today is Purim. It is a not-so-obscure jewish holiday which isn't a holy day, meaning we can drive around in our cars, use the phone and go shopping for a wrench.

Since my husband and I are are members of the We-like-to -sit -in-the -family room and read-on-our-vacation club...actually, we are charter members, my hubby has this wonderful , valuable thing called unused vacation days.
So he took one , today, so he can sit on the sofa in the family room and read.

He also got to attend the longer than usual ( because of the holiday) services at synagogue , this morning, AND deliver packages called " Mishloach manor"- gifts of food, around the neighborhood to assorted friends and relatives.
Okay, mostly friends, because most people will not admit to being related to us.

Delivering basket or bags of food is one of a few things that Jewish people do to celebrate this holiday.
They also dress up in costumes and get drunk.
Oh yes, and eat too much. As my friend Lynne will tell you, on Jewish holidays you either eat too much or you can't eat.
If you can remember which holiday is for which, you know most of the religion.

And , as a side benefit, my husband and I got to eat lunch together, since the meeting I attended ended on time.

While we were eating, my husband told me a a bit about his rounds delivering the food packages.
He had stopped in , while delivering the one to our cousins, and chatted with them.
He had stopped in at the nursing home and delivered three packages. One man was especially happy to be remembered.
He is not someone I know, but is in the Alzheimer's wing with someone else whom we have known for years.

My husband and my son, Aaron, would visit over there, regularly, while Aaron was still in town.
Aaron is the son who is ...tall, very very tall, and wears a button up shirt and a tie everyday, oh yes, and a kippah or yarmulke or whatever the beanie is called in your lexicon.

So, one day when my husband and Aaron were visiting, this gentleman asked my son, "So, are you the rabbi?"

Aaron replied, "No, I'm not smart enough."

To which the response was, " Well, then are you the Reform rabbi?"

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