Monday, February 10, 2014

Addendum to the Story of 1/ 06/ 2014

It is a month after we lost power and went to stay with Harriet.

The forecast today s for a high of 12 degrees, and a low of -6.
That is without the wind-chill.
I , however, am sitting in my well heated house.

I used to complain that it was a mite chilly with the thermostat set to 65 in the winter, but it is amazing how warm that now feels.

I am about to go out to work, leaving my warm home behind for the less warm classroom. (there have been heating problems there for years.)

And I am still incredibly grateful because
I have watched the news for the past week. Watched the people of Philadelphia and neighboring areas struggle with the aftermath of a storm that saw over 200,000 without power...and some are still waiting, today , to have it back on.

I am hoping they have Harriets in their lives.

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