Sunday, April 27, 2014

Story of teh Day 4/ 4/ 2014 - Part 2

When I last wrote, I had been rendered unable to sleep due to the comforting- I mean very UN-comforting letter from the State of Indiana.

Being unable to sleep has certain benefits.
It gives you a chance to have another slice of the chocolate cake in the refrigerator.
Before someone else finishes it.
It allows you to reconsider every major thing you have done in the last quarter century.
If your memory is better than mine, you can make that half-century.
And it allows you to formulate your response to the IRS. ( Or whatever the state level tax people are called.)

Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

Yesterday, we received a notice from your department that there was an inconsistency in our tax return- it did not agree with your figures. According to you, we now owe over $xxxxx in taxes.

The item you say we incorrectly took, as a credit, is the money withheld from L’s paycheck by his employer to pay state income tax. The amount we took as a credit is the amount shown on his W2. We have enclosed a copy of the W2. We are not concerned that it was entered on the wrong line since it was automatically downloaded and entered by TurboTax, and having them do those things is what makes paying the $49 for the program worth it.

There are 3 possible reasons that your calculations and ours do not match:

1. You did not credit us for the money paid to the state by his employer.
2. You or his employer mistakenly applied the money paid to someone else, possibly because of an error by the state or by the employer in the social security number.
3. L’s employer deducted the money from his pay, but did not send it on to the State.

None of these situations has been caused by an error or omission on our part, and we have submitted our tax returns using the information given to us by L’s employer.

a disgruntled taxpayer****

Okay, I did not sign it that way, but I was tempted.


DaCanon said...

If it were me, I probably would have addressed the envelope as:
"Attention Hugs and Kisses Department". :-p

Cassia Margolis said...

Ooooh, a very good idea. Sadly, I didn't think of that!