Friday, September 18, 2009

Story of the Day 9/ 18/ 2009

We are having a problem.
With our checking account.

Nothing has bounced, but our balance ( and I like to think we haven’t made some horrid mathematical addition or subtraction errors, my husband and I with our math/science backgrounds) doesn’t seem to match up with what the bank says we have.

Now, as you can imagine, a number of times I have ….um, been a bit tardy in deducting from the checkbook, when I have used the debit card at Costco. A bit tardy sometimes extending to around 2 months, if I haven’t changed ( and, therefore cleaned out ) my purse, in a while.
There is just this slight tendency I have to totally forget to do it, by the time I have put the milk in the fridge.

So this isn’t just a possibility, it is a probability- that I have managed to mess up the account.

Except, that the bank thinks that we have more money than we think we do.
And I don’t’ think that my forgetting to deduct a couple of Costco receipts could have done that….speaking of which, I have to admit there actually are a couple in my purse from earlier this week that I haven’t yet deducted…..

The other possibility is that someone is using our account to launder money.
You know, drugs, prostitution, counterfeit purses.
But I can’t believe that anyone laundering money would choose our account.
And to be very real about it, the amount in question wouldn’t even be pocket change for an operation like that.

That leaves the possibility that Larry forgot to write down a deposit.

Is that actually a possibility?

I think we had better assume that someone is laundering money in our account.

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