Monday, September 27, 2010

Story of the Day 9/27/2010

My daughters have made it their policy to never use the bathrooms at school Esther was very proud of managing to attend her many years in public school without ever once using the school’s toilets, and Sarah is trying very hard to emulate her record.

As a result, the very first thing that both my daughters have done and do, when arriving home on the bus is to throw off their backpacks and make a run for the bathroom.

Don’t get in their way and try to say hello or anything, you are likely to be mowed down in their rush.

At any rate, after arriving home and making her first stop, Sarah came over and said to me, “I don’t’ want to discuss liquids, I want to discuss solids.”

I got a rather, “What!” look on my face, something that could be described as between incredulity and discomfort; and Sarah , with dawning comprehension of what I was thinking, said, “Wait, wait , wait, I mean F-O-O-D!”

Much better.
After all, the second thing both girls do is eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

today during dinner we talked both about my poop schedule and my eating schedule....