Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Story of the Day 12/13/2011

Today was an excellent day.
I was able to say that before noon.
Of course, it was largely because I got to spend the morning with Cindie.

Cindie is the person my children refer to alternately as my partner in crime and my wife. Well, only Ely says that and he says that because he doesn't yet realize that we do not fight enough to be married. We just like to fight battles against the same creepy people and institutions.
I learned something, today, however, that may alter our relationship a bit.

All of these years , I have viewed Cidnie as the savvy one, the alert one in the relationship.
I am the one who is good at remembering the exact page number for a special ed regulation, and the date that something happened, and Cindie will be able to tell me who is lying, sleeping with the other teacher, doing drugs, or has just sexted someone from their desk, which is 4 rooms away and behind Cindie's back.
And I am the one who is always clueless about why people are doing things.

So after our morning conference, we went to the Indian restaurant- our fallback place that has vegetarian fare when Yatz doesn't have it's spinach mushroom étouffée. And when they do not have it, we view that situation as a personal attack on us.....sigh.

So, we arrived at the restaurant, which is in the village of Broad Ripple, a place on the northside of Indy that is filled with quaint hemp clotting , blue hair and body piercings, and health food stores , and which has a lot of annoying one way streets, people who like to jaywalk and people in SUVS that do not fit the lanes.

Cindie asked me if there was something wrong with how the "No Turn on Red" signs were posted, because people just don't' seem to notice them.

Now,I am the person who drives 25 miles per hour in the school zones, because the sign says "Speed limit" not " suggestion" or " approximation", and I was the one who had to let her in on the deep dark secret.

" Cindie, the signs are visible, they are just ignoring them."

Obviously, the stars must be misaligned, she should be the one explaining this to me....

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