Friday, May 4, 2012

Story of the Day 4/ 24/ 2012

My son, Aaron, has taken up an interest in comedy, despite the fact that being a stand up comic was not the particular career choice that was most recommended by the head of the yeshivah he was at in Israel.

I know this because he has been listening to videos of various comics.
And I even liked one of them.
Yes, it was rife with several semi-colorful ( I can do better, but then, I am an artist) 4-letter words, but it was clean humor.

I said as much to my son

He was surprised.

He was very surprised....
That I had heard the comic from the other room.
The other room being about 15 feet away.

I think he has forgotten that he is deaf, and when he listens to these things on-line, he puts the volume up high enough for the next door neighbor to hear it through two sets of brick walls.

The good thing is that, at that volume, the neighbor knows it is not me saying the 4- letter words.

1 comment:

Cassia Margolis said...

Here is a link to the comedian I liked :

I think the time thing is set to California time, but i do wake up at 5:25 AM, every school morning.....