Thursday, August 2, 2012

Story of the Day 8/ 2/ 2012

"Hey , Mom, do you want to go to Costco before Shabbat?"


My son is driving.
My car.

We have just left his car at the repair place to see if we can afford to get the air-conditioning fixed. and the front lift, and the hatchback window.

"Are you sure you don't' want to go to Costco? I mean, we could go today and then you wouldn't' have to go tomorrow."


I am screaming.
It isn't' helping.

He makes a right turn to get off Michigan Road and get us back towards home.

He asks me something else.

He cannot figure out what I am screaming at him.

I am screaming because he doesn't have hearing aids on.

He doesn't' understand me.
Well, he doesn't' hear me.
I sign.
Then I sign more frantically.

I am telling him to keep his eyes on the road.

I also tell him he needs to wear his hearing aids in the car if he wants to have a conversation, because I don't' want to get killed.

"But, Mom, a conversation is where I talk and you listen!"

Gee, I didn't' realize.

But, then, why was he asking me questions?

1 comment:

Simcha the Story Teller said...

But there are many tasty treats at Costco !