Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Story of the Day 8/ 8/ 2012

Today, we are being treated to a story by a guest author, my daughter Sarah:

August 8, 2012

Today in Psychology class, I was a little bit groggy and sleepy. It is hard to be awake at 7:25 in the morning. The teacher said that we were going to play an exciting game that was called, “A Walk Through the Woods.” The rule was that we needed to answer every question that teacher asked by writing it down on our scrap papers.

The teacher said, “OK. Now, you’re walking through the woods and you’re bringing someone with you and who will that person be?”

I stared at my interpreter, deep in thought. I wondered, Who? But I couldn’t think of anyone in particular. Then I randomly thought about squirrels. A lot of squirrels since they live in the woods, so I wrote down, squirrels.

At the end of the game, the teacher explained that the person we wrote down was the most important person in our life right now.

I felt hot and sheepish; squirrels are not people and they were merely a random thought from inside my head, on which I did not intend to have a crush.

At least, this time, the teacher wasn’t collecting our scrap papers…

Though, I kind of wish that she had.