Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Story of the Day 8/ 6/ 2012 - #2

When Ely was a freshman in high school, he had a teacher who handed out cards.
The students were supposed to write down a bit of information about themselves.
There were the typical questions, name, etc. etc. contact information, etc. etc. parent's names, parents' occupations.

All went well, until after school when he realized he had missed his moment to write down, for mother's occupation, "draws naked people".
He spent the next three years of high school hoping, in vain, that another teacher would provide the opportunity.

Well, today was Sarah's first day of her senior year of high school.
At least, if you do not count summer school, where she disposed of those required Economics and Government classes.

And, today, a teacher handed out a paper upon which she asked the students to put down a bit of information about themselves.
There were the typical questions, name, etc. etc. contact information, etc. etc. parent's names, parents' occupations.

Sarah was operating at a bit of an advantage over her brother.
First of all, she is a senior, so she's had three more years during which she was able to develop her sarcasm.
She also knows about Ely's experience.

So Sarah put down, for mother's occupation, "nude artist."

When she told me this, after school, today, I hesitated....
I told Sarah, "The teacher might misunderstand this to mean that I am nude when I do my art."

Then I realized that Sarah had actually one-upped Ely's plans.

Now, Sarah and I will be waiting to see if her teacher asks for clarification.

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