Sunday, December 9, 2012

Story of the Day 11/ 20/ 2012

My son, Aaron, took my daughter to the library.
I have to specify which son, so the other one doesn't kill me for implying it could have been him. Not the part about going to the library, but the rest of it.

Aaron is the son that is 6'3" and has a black velvet kippah (yarmulke) and tzitzit (ritual fringed garment the fringes of) which he wears outside his clothes. In other words, he looks like a religious Jew.

There is a self-check out line , and my son had swiped his library card and then he realized there was a box of bookmarks that had a sticker saying "Adult Bookmarks".
He made some comment to the librarian asking if you had to be an adult to take them .
"Yes, you have to be over 18."

My son looked at the first item pictured- a book whose cover showed a man and a woman and a very interested Rottweiler.
According to Aaron, Sarah looked intrigued by it.
Aaron made some sort of comment to his sister about it being so funny. He thought it looked like a 3-way.

The librarian saw the cover ask said, "Oh, don't get that one out. I read it and it was awful."

Aaron was a bit....surprised, both that the librarian was giving critique on this particular book and also that she would admit to having read it.

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