Sunday, December 23, 2012

Story of the Day 12/ 11/ 2012

Aaron and I were outside of Costco.
We had gone there to get new ear molds made for him.

If you are unfamiliar with the term, you might think we were having latex molds made of his ears so that he can play a Vulcan in an upcoming film, but ear molds are the soft piece that fits in the ear canal and attaches ( by tubing) to the hearing aid.
They last a year or more, if you are lucky.
If you leave them on the back seat of the car in the to sun, they need to be replaced. They also crack and fall apart after a while.
Aaron's have cracked, and he needs new ones. We made it past a year, so we are doing well.

When we got to Costco, I realized that Aaron was only wearing one of his hearing aids.
"Where is your other hearing aid?"
"I dont' wear it."

I had actually realized that. I am not sure why I asked, but I still thought that we should get him new ear molds for both . Although, at $40 a pop, I could see just getting new ear mold for his left hearing aid. The one he wears.

"Don't you get any benefit at all from the right hearing aid?" I ask him.
"Oh yeah, I wore it recently when I did standup. It was a big help."

I am trying to figure this out. Noisy bars, which is where stand up comedy performances take place are not good places to use hearing aids.
"It was helpful?"

"Yeah," my tall little boy answered," I didn't put the ear mold in all the way, so there was some feedback. Not a lot. I don't' think anyone who wasn't near me could hear it, because it was noisy.
" But, anyhow, I said, 'I'm Deaf' and then I put the microphone up close to the sharing aid and it squealed, and I got a lot of laughs."

I am trying very hard to decide if the hearing aids were worth the expense for a laugh. And if it is worth it to get that second ear mold for the extra $40.

"Not only that," my son added, "but I did it a second time, right after the laughs died down, and they laughed again."

He is thinking of doing this, again, in the future.
So, maybe I should buy him the second ear mold for that hearing aid, after all.


Lynne said...

He can deduct it as a business expense!

Cassia Margolis said...

ahem, in order to do that, he has to earn money. u know, the green stuff that pays bills.