Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Story of the Day 5/ 13/ 2009

Listening to Aaron, on the radio, is full of thrills for me. Not just because it causes my heart to go an extra flutter or two, just hearing his voice, but because he is….well, Aaron.
I mean, how many other students choose to do their newscast about butt-prints?
Last night was no exception.
Although, butt-prints weren’t the topic. The topic was drugs.
Specifically, cocaine.

Aaron had been introducing the songs with his usual eclectic banter. All of the listeners now know which singers he thinks are hot.
He also has his own sense of “place”.
The student station is a mix of rock and hip hop.
So, of course, DJ Deaf ( Not Def, Deaf), chose to start of the evening with Aretha Franklin.
My husband and I spent a lovely evening listening to a wide variety of things, the Beatles, John Mayer, Modest Mouse, as well as some 60’s Motown. Oh yes, and wake me up when September Ends…which is by someone modern, I think, but how would I know…...
We hope the regular listeners found it educational.

But, back to the drugs.
I saw a song called “Cocaine” by Eric Clapton. I go on air and say,
“The computer has a song by Eric Clapton called cocaine. I’ve never heard the song before, but if its called cocaine then it must be good. It probably means that its so good you get addicted to it. I apologize. I am not trying to promote Cocaine. IT is a BAD Drug, and WJEL doesn’t endorse the drug.”

After about 8 or 9 seconds, he stops the song and exclaims, “That wasn’t’ very nice. I didn’t’ realize it said that.”

Aaron adds:
“Wow, that was nothing like Cocaine. Once again WJEL doesn’t endorse the drug! Please do not try cocaine! “

Aaron then puts on a different Eric Clapton song.
Unbeknownst to me, just after this , Aaron got a call from a listener.
The listener asked him, “Are you the silly guy?”
I couldn’t have phrased it better, myself, and I gave birth to him.
And then he told him that he really enjoyed Aaron interruption the song his …..banter, and that this other Eric Clapton song was much better. (“Tears of Heaven”)

Must have been another parent.

Addendum from May 20th ( since this is when Aaron got the corrections to me.)
Meanwhile, apparently the adults who are supposed to be supervising this..well, they haven’t, because no one has said a word.

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