Monday, May 11, 2009

Story of teh Day 5/ 8/ 2009

Sarah came and told me that Aaron had stunk up my bathroom.
She volunteered to go get the ionizer from her room and set it up.

We are a family of many air machines. Hepa purifiers, ionizers, you name it. Two to a bedroom.
We do this so that we can breathe in the morning. Not breathing happens to be fatal.
In case you didn't know.
The ionizers don't work well enough on their own, but are a boost for the other air purifiers. And they have a side benefit.
They destroy odors.
My husband opens the door and gives to every shnorer who comes.
The ones from Russia who don't speak much English all smoke like they will die if they dont' have a cigarrette every 5 minutes, when , in fact, they will die if they do.
And even if they are not smoking when you usher them in, the stench hangs on them and their clothes.
And when they sit in the living room, while he gets them checks for whatever they are collecting for, it sinks in. And the smell doesnt' leave, when they do.
So, after a visit from them (and they come one by one, but one after another, till there are 5 or 6 of them on a given day, making their rounds from city to city),we have to pull out one of teh heavy duty ionizers with a fan, and run it for half an hour.

So , while Sarah ran off to get her ionizer, I went to meet her in my bedroom.
Oh my God! It was overpowering.
And that was in the bedroom.
I didnt' dare step foot in the bathroom.

And it told me something else.
You see, this happened just after Aaron left for school.
Aaron must like a girl.
The stench from that men's cologne , however, is making me hope that she's had her adenoids removed.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Most people mean something very different when they say the bathroom stinks. LOL

But more disturbing:
Someone received cologne as a gift & it didn't get regifted or thrown out?