Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Story of the Day 8 / 19/ 2011

I need to remember to braid a garlic necklace and prepare a crucifix for Sarah to take to school on Monday.
Wait! We are Jewish, so what do I substitute for the crucifix? Some matzoh balls?
And I should probably make matching necklaces for the interpreter and the typist.

Sarah had texted me, before she arrived home that something creepy had happened at school, today.

Immediately, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Unfortunately, we’ve had a few too many experiences with the words creepy and school being joined.

Since Dave, the old interpreter, is the old interpreter, and what’s his face from ISD is unlikely to ever again be hired at a school, I wasn’t sure what the source of creepy was…but I didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Yesterday evening, Sarah had homework. She had to prepare a one-minute speech about herself to be presented in third person. This same assignment was given to all of her peers in her animation and film production class.

One at a time, the students got up to give their speeches. Some were depressing.
I take that back. There are 18 students in the class. According to Sarah, 12 of them sounded depressed, and since this is the good interpreter, Sarah believes she was getting a very accurate rendering of what they were saying and how they were saying it. So, forget “some”, most of them seemed depressed.

One student had been badly bullied and eager to graduate early so that he could escape from this place of bad memories, another was anxious- not about giving his speech, just about life.
One girl was so animated and excited that she stood out from the crowd.
But not for long.
That is because one young man got up and spoke about serial killers, and pedophilia and how he admired them- and how he especially admired JDahmr. ( After some testing, I found that this is the closest I can get to the guy’s actual name without this blog showing up when someone does a google search on him.) You see, JDahmer had apparently combined the “best” of both.

Admired as in these were his heroes and he wanted to be like them.

Heck, maybe I should send in the crucifix after all. It couldn’t hurt.


Lynne said...

It's got a sharp end, can be used for self-defense. :-/

DaCanon said...

Hmm - in most school district s where I live, it is required to report these things to the proper authorities and have it documented... hopefully the teacher was paying attention to these warning signs. In the meantime, I second Lynne's comment above.