Sunday, August 28, 2011

Story of the Day 8/17/2011 #3

So, Sarah had an otherworldly experience, today.
Not with the interpreter, not with drugs, not even with dee-jaying for the student radio station, which she hasn’t actually done, she has only thought about.

Sarah had this experience because, today, at school, her Resource teacher- this is the special education teacher who is “in charge” of Sarah, spent several minutes stressing how everything had to be accessible for Sarah.

Apparently, she even gave a bit of a lecture about the importance of this to the two people in charge of the speech to text system, which might account for why the young man was so nervous and the woman was so flustered. You see, it probably wasn’t at all related to the Lesbian corruption.

Since this is the same resource teacher who seemed to think that Sarah being taught about how to measure the surface area of body parts was good access, Sarah thinks that the original resource teacher may have been abducted by aliens and replaced with one who looks the same, but has a very different outlook.

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