Thursday, February 26, 2009

Story of teh Day 2/ 18/ 2009

The next few "stories" will be out of order.

I email stories for approval and corrections before I defame everyone I know.
Okay, I only email for approval and corrections to people I like.
I am probably trying to smear those other people, or at least, dont' care if I do.

What happens, though, is that sometimes the responses are a little slow.
Or I dont' get approval.
Or the person represented is horrified.

And those are the ones I didnt' mean to horrify! Can I help it is this is a talent of mine?
Anyhow, due to slow response times, there will be some out of order "tales."

Of course, that is counterbalanced when my friends tell me something, and i think it is "confidential" , and a week later they say, "Why didn't you put that in a story?"

So, here is the story from 2/18/2009- after a bit of a delay.

I am working on our taxes.
All year, Larry keeps the papers in envelopes in a plastic bin.
Then, at some point after Jan 31st, I ask him for the papers.
And I buy a computer program- Turbo Tax, and I sort out all the papers, and then I work on the computer.
And I call him.
I think I called him about 11 times, so far, today.
Obviously, after the first 7 calls, he stopped answering the phone.
I will be doing this.
Today, tonight, tomorrow.
Amazingly, we are stil married.

He hasn’t’ even left town, yet.

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