Monday, November 30, 2009

Story of the Day 11/25/2009

We are driving to St. Louis.
I am driving to St. Louis.
Larry is riding shotgun and reading me the MapQuest direction and Sarah and Aaron are trying very hard to get some sleep in the back seat.
We have a luxurious car, but it is a car , not a van, and a Honda Civic, and my very tall kids with their very long legs have long since worn out the comfort of any of the 2 ½ possible positions they can manage to get into.
And it is late.
We couldn’t’ leave Indianapolis until 7:30…..and it was actually even later than that. PM. That made me the designated driver, since neither Aaron nor Larry have especially good night vision, and Sarah, who does, doesn’t’ have a driver’s license . Yet.
And it rains. Off and on. Hard and fast, and a light drizzle.
But we are making good time.
The hotel is on Lindberg. I get off at the Lindberg exit. According to MapQuest, which Larry is reading to me, it is not much farther.
I make a left at the traffic light. And then the road forks. According the Mqapq3est, I now go right, which I do, but after snaking around a bit on a very dark road, it ends. At a fence.
We must have done something wrong.

I get us turned around.
We go back to where we turned left….I pull the car over the side of the road and pull out my cell phone and the number of the hotel.
While it is ringing, a truck- a security truck pulls up.
I explain to the man where we are heading.
Well, as he tells us, they closed that road several years ago.
God bless MapQuest.

My call connects, and I struggle to understand the desk clerk. I ask her to repeat herself several times. My husband , whose hearing is better than mine, takes the phone, and also tries to get the information from her. And , from the underslept back seat comes the voice of our deaf son, “Just hand me the phone, I can hear her!”

“Since when?” Okay, I didn’t’ say it, but my husband and I did exchange amused looks.

Fortunately, the hotel desk person gives us new directions.
Direction that include driving down unmarked unlit side streets, but which do, shortly , get us to the hotel - and to, Aaron’s relief, a toilet.

You see, both hearing aids and a full bladder tend to improve hearing.

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