Friday, July 19, 2013

Story of the Day 7/ 1/ 2013 - #1

My daughter asked me to listen to something for her.
She does this fairly often.
She will watch something on the internet, and it will not be captioned; or she will want me to describe a piece of music for her that goes with a movie or an ad. Ads are almost never captioned, so I get to listen to a lot of ads and either interpret them - where there is spoken dialogue- or tell her what the sounds are that match the video.
Since she is profoundly deaf, even though I am bad at this, I am much better than hearing aids.

So, when Sarah asked me, today, to listen to something for her, I assumed it was on the internet.
I was surprised, instead, when she ran off to her room and returned a moment later carrying a greeting card.

Someone who has known her for her entree life sent her a greeting card for her graduation.
One with a sound chip.
Sarah wanted to know if it was music or a message.
So I listened, dumbfounded, that this was the card the friend had chosen to send to her.

1 comment:

Liz White said...

Very thoughtless of them. Sorry Sarah.