Sunday, December 14, 2008

Delayed Post- Story of the Day 12/ 06/ 2008 #2

Shabbat was lovely.
We went to services, and then we came home and ate lunch with Amy and Neal.
Amy is Larry’s sister, and Neal is her husband.
Normally, I don’t’ bother making lunch for Shabbat.
At our synagogue , the Kiddush - the bite of stuff they have to go with eth grape juice- is lavish- at the very least, there are bagels and cream cheese and cakes. But often, there is also fresh fruit, a green salad, tuna salad, and some home made cookies.
Let’s be honest- this is much better fare than my kids would get from me- so we sit and eat and shmooze.
Shmoozing is this Jewish thing.
Italians are also known for having the ability- but Jews, especially after services and in the presence of food, are real experts.
Now, remember that I had made lunch for Amy and Neal and us- but that was to be at 1 PM, and services were over at 11:25..and there was all of this good food just staring at us….and it wasn’t’ just the same old same old. Not only was it not just the bagels and cream cheese, it also wasn’t; just the tuna and green salad.
Because it was an annyo.

An Annyo is the anniversary of someone’s death, and it is traditional to make a Kiddush meal for after services in memory of your loved one.
So, with the admonishment to the kids that they could eat- just not a lot, since we would be also eating at home, we went and sat and ate and schmoozed.

I got to Shmooze with Susan. Susan is the owner of a number of really cute kids, two of whom share the same birthdate- same day , same year…you know, twins.
And their birthday - well, their dad wanted to make it special- so he decided they would go see the Red Gold factory.
Red Gold is a tomato company- they make canned tomatoes, sauce , paste, etc- and kosher! Kosher of not even the questionable type.
It was an enjoyable outing.
But on the way home, they hit a deer.

The next thing Susan knew, she had a phone call to go pick them up. They were unhurt, the truck…well, but they were fine and waiting for the tow truck to come.
A little later, as she was driving to get them, she got a second call.
The tow truck had arrived and was giving them a lift to the repair place- she should pick them up there.

Well, she was thrilled to see her husband and her sons all in one piece- and told them, “at least no one was hurt”
To which, her youngest son ( not one of the twins) replied, “But what about the deer?”

It has also created quite a problem for the family.
You see, the twins got to hit a deer and to ride in a tow truck for their birthday. How are they going to match this, none-the-less top it?
Already their youngest son is talking about getting a tow truck ride for his birthday!

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