Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Story of the Day 12/16/2008

I am waiting for the furnace repair person.
This has prompted several, “oh no, I hope you aren’t freezing!” remarks from people who have found out why I have been sitting at home for hours.
They really should be saying, “While you are home, clean your house!”
But, since no one has said that, I am not.
And, with regard to the comments I have been receiving, I am not freezing, as it is actually a balmy 80.

Which is the problem.

You see, despite the fact that we have a nice furnace and two thermostats- yes , two, not one, to zone the heat, the furnace is currently operating under the assumption that there are two settings, “80” and “off”. Off isn’t’ a very good setting, since the weather is freeze your butt off weather . But even though our family is comprised of people who like to walk around scantily clad , and then complain that they are cold, 80 degrees is a real problem.

Because we have to pay for the fuel to get it…..

So, I am waiting for the furnace repair person, and politely am overdressed, since I doubt it would make a good impression to answer the door in a bathing suit……

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can't believe that the one time it was warm in the house i wasn't home!