Sunday, December 28, 2008

Story of the Day 12/21/2008

My daughter tells me that she is now aimless.
This is Esther, the college student.
Then she explains.
For years ( how many years, I think, she is only 20.) She has had a goal. She has wanted people to stop her and say, "Cool shoes!"
A couple of months ago, she designed a pair of shoes.
There is a website, and you can do that, and pay, and they will make them and send them to you.
So , now , Esther has a pair of shoes that cause New Yorkers to stop her in the street and in stores, and at the library and say, "Cool shoes!"
And having achieved her goal, she feels aimless.

I've had two thoughts.
I can't help myself, I do occasionally think; even worry.
One, is that she needs to set higher goals for herself.
Two, that hopefully, her next goal will not involve body art.

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