Monday, December 29, 2008

Story of the Day 12/26/2008

I have been fishing.
Not the kind my dad used to take us up to the French River in Canada to do. The kind that has a funny spelling.Phishing? I am not sure.
Or maybe I was phished, is a better description?
My eldest, child, who is 28 years younger than I am and 28 years more computer savvy than I , was greatly exasperated . With me.
"What did you do!!!!!"
I am fairly certain that requires a few more exclamation marks to accurately convey the tone of voice, as she yelled at me.
Apparently, I should never click on any links from any email.
Not even from some photo program.
And I have compromised my sensitive ID information.

Esther was very concerned by what I could have given away by using my default user name and default password.
I had to think.
I had to think hard or it s hard for me to think or…Anyhow, I finally figured out the sum of what I have compromised.
My account at the Dayton Daily News to read their articles on line.My account at another Ohio newspaper, for the same purpose.A recipe site, for recipe sharing.And my account at a a Jewish educational site.
That is the only one with any potential financial repercussions.I suppose they could download a number of Rabbi Beryl Wein audio programs, and I would be charged for them.
I am , now, pondering if I should change that accounts password.
Maybe it would be good for them to listen to some ,and I should leave it alone…….Meanwhile, my 20 year old is mortified to be related to me.

So, what is new?

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