Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Story of the Day 2/ 20/ 2011

Aaron has been cleaning out his room.
Yes, we finally let him move out of the basement that doesn’t’ exist.
Anyhow, he has been cleaning out his room. Several bags of clothes to the thrift store. Lots of trash to the trash barrel, and today, 3 boxes of comic books. And since he is short of cash (since he hasn’t gotten a job, yet), he took them to the comic book store, hoping to sell them and get some green stuff.

He walked in and set the three boxes down.
The store’s manager went through the boxes and then told him, “We aren’t interested in any of these. None of them are old enough.”
Aaron cheerfully replied, “Well, I’ll just come back in 40 years!” And took his boxes back out to the car.


Anonymous said...

Cassia, this is too funny. Why don't you link your blog to FB?

Since you have a wicked sense of a humor, you must check out the blog "Hyperbole and half" OMG it is hilarious. I went through all of her blogs for 2010 during thanksgiving, and I never laughed so hard. One day, I will hit 2009.

Hugs, Janel K.

Cassia Margolis said...

I didnt' know u cd link them.(U are speaking to someone who is still living in 1980.) I occasionally post
a story on my status.....
And I will check out the blog. If I have trouble locating it, I shall email u.