Monday, November 7, 2011

Story of the Day 10/25/2011

Today was very educational.
For Sarah.

Her interpreter is away, and the school had arranged for a substitute interpreter.
That interpreter contacted the school, on Monday and let them know that she could not come.
So the school got a sub interpreter for the sub interpreter.
This morning, early this morning, very early this morning, that interpreter called the resource teacher and explained that he could not make it.
So, Sarah arrived at school today and found out there was no interpreter.
Sarah's first class is pre-calculus. Like most math classes, most of the important things are taught by being demonstrated step by step on the board.
For this class, her resource teacher who has some basic signing skills , but is not smiled enough to interpret a lecture, was able to "terp it". After the first period was done, Sarah spent the rest of the morning in the resource room.
Then Sarah went to lunch.

After lunch Sarah has Animation and Film production. It is a two period class ( lasts for almost 2 full hours) and they are in the middle of doing group projects.
Well, that is not exactly right, Everyone else is in the middle of doing a group project. Sarah is in the middle of doing two group projects, and trying not to let anyone know it.

At any rate, the resource teacher came along and sort of termed what she could for both of the groups.

Oh, gee, gosh, I forgot to ask Sarah if she explained to the resource teacher about how she managed to be in two different groups. And how she is keeping everyone, at least for the moment, from finding out about it.

The one group is going well.

The other group is not.
It is not going at all.
It as stalled out because of the reason that Sarah left it. Unsuccessfully.

And today, the resource teacher got to experience all of the charm, first hand.
Today, the Jeffrey-Dahmer-Wanna-Be was being...himself.
He kept trying to take over the group and have it do some rather nasty deeply horrifying project.
And Josh, one of the other boys in the group, was managing very icily to keep telling him, "No."
Of course, all the back and forth created no forward motion, but I am, from what Sarah described to me, very impressed by how Josh handled himself. "No" repeatedly at intervals, firmly and appropriately.
At this age, I would probably have shrunk back into the furniture and winced a. A lot.

Then the JDWB elected to get...aggressive. And obnoxious. And kept burping right into Josh's face.
While Josh kept telling him not to.
And, then, Mr. JDWB started relating all about another one of his idols. Jack the Ripper. And admiring the fact that he had managed to slaughter a large number of people.

Since this was the only class that Sarah attended in its entirety, today, (other than her first period class), and since it was a full two periods, this made up the bulk of what she learned, today.
As I said, it was very educational.
Your tax dollars at work.

I suspect it was rather educational for her resource teacher, as well.


Lynne said...

Even if the kids didn't want to tell the film teacher, the resource teacher should have.

heidi said...

i'm cracking up. of course, with lots of "awe, c'mon! Sarah (and the other kids!) deserve better! i should get myself on the terp sub days for when the sub's sub cancels. at least i could put my teacher skills in action. then again, thats why i'm not a terp - it'd be too hard to stay in my assigned role!!!!