Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Story of the Day 11/5/2011

My friend Susan has three boys . Her life is simplified, at least for the moment, because they are all the same size.

Part of this is due to the fact that two of them are twins.

Susan, a few weeks ago, was sorting laundry and realized that if anyone of them was in a car accident, she would die of shame because their underwear was raggedy. So Susan went out to the store and bought two new packages of 6 pairs of underwear in the correct size, came home, threw out all the old raggedy pairs, and put the nice new underwear in her sons' bureaus.

That was over two weeks ago.

Now in case you are not Jewish or in case you are Jewish and live in a very dark forest and have lost your calendar and all contact with the outside world, two weeks ago was a three day Jewish holiday, that means 3 days of not doing laundry which usually actually translates into 4 days of not doing laundry due to the long list of other things that you have to do to get ready for the holiday.

So, when the holiday was over, Susan was faced with folding and sorting the 4 days worth of laundry that her husband had done; and when she was done sorting and folding, and folding and sorting, she called all three of her sons downstairs and lined them up and showed them an interesting fact.

“You see I have all of these socks ( and she pointed to a large pile) and all of these pants( and she pointed to a similarly large pile) but I only seem to have one pair of underwear. “ Which did not seem to make a very large pile. ” Can you explain this to me.?”

Daniel ,her youngest was the first to answer. This may indicate that he is the brightest, or it may indicate that he is more practiced at defending himself, at any rate he replied, “I have changed my underwear!’

“ Once?” responded his mother with a voice that indicated ......well, that the answer was somehow lacking.

The Bubba , with a voice that declared sudden realization of an amazing fact, “You’ve been hoarding our socks!!"

There was a moment of silence. The silence was due to Susan being stunned by this analysis and by Avi , who was still thinking .

Avi then said, “Yes, Mom, why have you been hoarding our socks?”

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