Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Story of the Day 11/ 20/ 2011 #2

Aaron called.
It was wonderful to hear his voice and to be able to ask him directly if he is getting enough to eat. After all, he is a growing boy.
I wonder if the yeshivah has one of those wall charts so that he can let us know if and when he tops 6'3"?

We were also able to get an update on the mouse.
You might notice that I am speaking as if there was only one mouse. The truth is , I am sure there are more, but there is , still, only the one mouse trap for the yeshivah.

Aaron described the mouse trap.
After having him describe it, I am even more concerned.

No, it does not have a picture of the King of England on it. It is not that old.
At least, not unless they made Nike's back then.
I say this because it is ,apparently,a homemade mouse trap which the rabbi in charge of the dorms fashioned out of a Nike shoe box.

After Aaron had waited his turn in line to get it, he baited it with pistachio halvah.
The mouse, or mice, apparently are great gourmands and this did not entice them.
His next attempt was with some crackers.
The mouse, or mice, also turned their little noses up at the crackers.
Finally, Aaron had to go and buy what we use at home, peanut butter ( which is a luxury item in Israel) , and he baited the trap with that.

It turns out that our local Indiana mice are not nearly as well fed as the yeshivah mice are, and the yeshivah mice turned their noses up at the peanut butter.

After that rejection, and the face to face encounter his roommate, Aaron, had with the mouse, at 3 AM, this morning, Aaron spoke with the rabbi to ask if it would be allowable under Jewish law to buy the sticky traps.

The rabbi hemmed and hawed a little bit, but finally allowed that it would be permissible, since the mice were creating problems.
I wonder if he would have hemmed and hawed as long if the mouse had run up on his face, last night?

At any rate, Aaron is now off to buy sticky traps, and I am awaiting a photo of the Nike mouse trap which Aaron is under orders to email to me.


DaCanon said...

I have a recurring mouse / rat problem within my home in Texas. I have traps, baited with peanut butter, but my little "problem" ignores the PB and goes straight for the bananas, and that means WAR in this house!! (BTW - I'm using my singularity of the creature in context as sort of a "willed hope"). Maybe I should buy a pair of Nikes - and hey, if the box doesn't work, I could always stomp on the little bugger with the "swoosh" ;-p

Good luck on Aaron's hunt of the illusive mouse.

Cassia Margolis said...

Laughing- and you would get exercise in ur Nikes that way, too!!!
We get mice in our garage about twice a year, springtime when it gets very wet outside and fall when it gets cold. I use pb, but i put a couple of chocolate chips atop it. Works like a charm. I mean, who could say no to chocolate?
I can't wait for the photos...... and thanks, Aaron is going to need some good luck with this!