Monday, January 16, 2012

Story of the Day 1/ 8/ 2012

It was the 6th phone call that got to me. Not the first nor the second nor the third......Of course, two of them were made necessary because I had been disconnected. From customer support. From Apple.

At the start of the first phone call, the woman speaking with me asked for my telephone number, in case we were disconnected.
We weren't.
She was even able to help me with the first part of the problem. but not with the second. She transferred me to someone who specializes in that kind of an issue. And that person transferred me to someone else who specialized in what he didn't specialize in.
That third guy, well he was the third person, but the second guy, told me to use iDVD. This is because we couldn't get the dvd to burn.
Okay, we could. We being Sarah. I am merely the person stuck making all of the phone calls.
That is because I can hear ,all-be-it poorly. Sarah cannot. She is profoundly deaf.
We have a videophone, and, theoretically, she can use it to call customer support, and then the person at technical support can act like a total idiot about using the relay interpreter.
But Sarah cannot do that because our videophone is not working . Well, it is working, but like many things that we touch, it works....sort of. We can get phone calls. We just can't make them.
Of course, we also cannot actually get any phone calls on the videophone unless you call us on the voice phone and ask us to turn the videophone on, or text us on one of the cell phones, or maybe even email us.
That is because Sarah is so popular that she gets 25-30 calls a day, from the same person, if we leave it on. So to avoid thinking violent thoughts, we leave it turned off.
Unless you use one of those other methods to contact us.
And don't worry, the person calling her doesn't' read my blog.
And Aaron isn’t here , right now, and , to be honest. Although he can speak on a telephone ( rather well, in fact) he s also deaf and usually he cannot hear very much on it.

Because of this, I am the one stuck making the phone calls to Technical Support, even though I struggle to hear some of the tech support people and even though I break out in hives if I get within 5 feet of the new computer.

And I have to explain to the tech support person that I will be inter petering for my kid, and they need to be a bit patient for this process.
As you can see, we are not popular. The tech support people were probably just transferring me around because they were freaked out by this whole process, which is why we really need to get the videophone fixed, so they can really get freaked out.

"What do you mean you are interpreting for someone using ASL, I can't see you, so how can you be doing that?"
So, the third tech support person- and this was still just the first phone call- told me to use iDVD. Which I tried to do.
Unfortunately, I tried to do this AFTER he had hung up.
It didn't' work.
We tried this and tried that and tried the other thing, because the guy from Apple said to do it.
And finally, frustrated, I called back.

"Oh, we just got an email about that a few days ago!" Said person number 5, during phone call number 2. ( Well, he was the fifth person altogether, but only the second one during the second call), "You have to use..." And he named a different program. Movie Gate? Video Gate? Something like that. Don't' expect my brain to retain this. Especially since neither of the two programs the guy told me to use worked.
Of course, it took another hour to figure that out.
It took downloading them, transferring the files, and trying to burn a workable dvd.

Phone call number three ....I was disconnected.

Phone call number four, the mechanized system, computerized system that was developed by a sadist refused to recognize my speech. Over and over and over. " If you mean P" press one". "If you mean B, press 2", But I didn't' mean either of those. I kept starting again and starting again and starting again.
I hung up, after about 6 times around.

Phone call number five. The guy again asked me for my contact phone number. This was good, because about 7 minutes into the conversation, or less, we were disconnected.
So I hung up, and sat and waited to be called back.
And waited.
And waited.

Maybe he doesn't hear well, either, and he wrote down the wrong number.
At any rate, it gradually dawned on me that I was not going to be called back, at least not during the next 100 days of the warranty.

Phone call number 6, and I have now totally lost track of how many people I have spoken to, but the guy I ended up being transferred to looked up my computer's serial number, and it turns out the computer isn't registered to me.
Gee, I know that.
I bought it. I paid for it.
My charge card was used.

But it is my kids'. Aaron's' and Sarah's. Aaron's because he needs a computer for college classes, and an iMac specifically for video editing, assuming he is going to do that again, at some point,( now that he is 6 months behind in captioning the one video),and Sarah who is trying to use it, right now, during break to do a project...that has to be mailed on Monday morning, tomorrow.
Okay, not really, it could also be mailed tomorrow afternoon.

And a program was purchased, at the same time, from Apple. Actually, a few were. Some sort of word program and another video editing program and one that burns dvds. Do not ask me about this- remember, I am not allowed within 5 feet of the computer unless I have a lot of Benadryl handy.

I explain that I paid for the computer, and I give my children's last name.

And, for the second time, I explain why he gets to speak to me. I am wondering if he wants me to mail him a copy of their audiograms.

"Deaf- you know, can't hear for shit, especially on the phone because it is hard to read your lips."

It isn't registered to them, either.

I tell him I have the order information. I pull it up on my email account. I have saved all of those important things. That and a lot of spam, as well.
I read him the order number.
It is not my computer. It is not my kids' computer. His records do not match.
Of course, he cannot tell me WHOSE computer this is, but it is not ours.
Because it is not ours, he cannot speak to me, he cannot provide us with technical support. At least, he is very polite about this.

I get his email address at work.
This is hard.
I can't hear for shit, although, compared to my kids, my hearing is incredibly much like a super-power.

I tell him, after he has said his name a couple of times and spelled it that he needs to tell me a word for each letter, because I cannot figure out what letters he is saying. I can hear the "I and the "A", and a consonant. One consonant.
He is wondering what sort of a crazy lady he has on the phone. I tell him that in 40 years, when he is an old fart who has listened to too much loud music, he will understand.
I never listened to loud music, of course, but I have those popular genes- and not the kind that are blue.

He spells it again, giving me a word for each letter.
I send him a copy of the email from Apple that says that I and only I ordered and paid for the damned computer.
In the meanwhile, he is not supposed to help me figure out what to do with the computer, since it isn't mine, or my kids' and I have no right to be calling technical support for help.

But he will make an exception, this one time. Especially since the correct program is on the computer that we do not own.

At this point, we are several hours into calling Apple, the kids have run off, and it is little old me in front of the computer.
And I am NOT touching anything!

I tell him I am writing it all down on a piece of paper for them to follow, later, and to go slowly.

He does.

I write it down.

When Sarah gets home, about 29 minutes later, she stares at the paper.

It was written down carefully, but my handwriting is illegible to normal people, and to her, even though there is no chance that she is normal, be real, because she is my relative.

So I read it to her.
And she follows my poorly signed instructions.
And it works.
On the computer that apparently someone else owns.

Don’t worry, I thanked the guy.

He also said that he would get back to me, or that someone would, to get this straightened out. About who owns or doesn’t own the computer that I paid for and that is suiting here, and that I am typing on.
It is odd.
I mean, if someone buys something using credit card number- without my authorization- you know, like when someone stole my credit card number and bought 21 laptops, I did not end up paying for the goods. I made a report, and it was taken care of.

Actually, the credit card company called me, they were a tad suspicious as to why I would want 21 laptops from 21 different businesses ( one from each) shipped to a country in Africa. Because of this they opted to call me instead of just authorizing the payments.

But, in this case, I used the card, I bought the computer, it is sitting here, but Apple says it isn't ours, so we are not entitled to technical support ( and probably not to service under the warranty) , because we do not own it.
I doubt I can call the Apple Tech Support about that, but............

I suppose if I was being really mean, I would put Aaron or Sarah on the phone with them.


Lynne said...

I hate to tell you this, though - hearing people don't do a whole lot better with anyone's tech support, whether it is The Great & Wonderful Apple, or some guy in India who failed out of the best English schools & only gets to be remote helpdesk rather than an engineer in the USA. I might've gotten just as far with perhaps 1 less phone call. Voice recognition doesn't recognize anything I say either. I think it's programmed to only understand that upper crust sort of Grace Kelly accent from old movies - Americans trying to enunciate well enough to be mistaken for Brits.
Did you also try giving Ely & Larry's names?
I have found that some systems will put a human on after they misunderstand you 3 times, so I've taken to repeating "fuck you" until that happens. Except sometimes I get disconnected.

Cassia Margolis said...

I paid for it, and it is Aaron's computer. Eventually, JHAH will buy a new one for its vbideos, but I figured JHAH cd borrow his- that was his "price" for getting a new one - he gets to help me.
( I will explain about college and major changes later). Anyhow, I paid and bought it under his name, so it shd have been easy.
Also, we donated his old laptop to someone in the local community college who didnt' have one....wondering if Ely is going to need a new one for grad school ,since his is now 6 yrs that right? We will wait to worry about it AFTER he is accepted. But that major will require using a computer with up to date software, just not sure past that....
Anyhow, I really am jealous that u were so brilliant as to find the perfect phrase to use on the phone! I will be doing that, in the future!!!

Terri Friel said...

I got hives reading this. I still don't know if you resolved it..couldn't read to the end I was so frustrated. Some days I hate computers and I CAN hear. When I ask to call Desi on my voice dial, it asks if I want to call Bessy, or TEssy or anything besides Desi no matter how strongly I pronounce the D. Last week my phone quit and was replaced by a touch phone...augh! autocorrect puts in the stupidest shit. Then the computer died. One night this week i was completely withouth technology. After my handes stopped itching to type, I managed to enjoy the quiet and read a book,.. a real book.

DaCanon said...

Oooo - how frustrating!! You handled that a lot better than I would have... I would of had the poor tech guys in tears and wanting to crawl back into the womb for safety by the time I was done ripping them new assholes for shuffling me around like that!

Cassia Margolis said...

I am probably going to be the last hold out on those e-readers. Well, not just me, all the other Jewish people who observe Shabbat....but they might get them for weekdays.......

No said...

Just punching in numbers that don't correspond to any menu item will get you to a live person, sometimes. The * and # keys work for that, too. Unfortunately, there are not buttons on any phone I've seen that guarantee competent customer service/tech support once you reach a live person. They usually suck, even if you're somewhat tech-inclined and just need a tiny bit of information to fix it yourself.