Sunday, January 30, 2011

Story of the Day 1/26/2011

So Ely finally got rid of Aaron.
Whoops…I mean Aaron finally got on his bus to leave Binghamton.
And travels , and traveled and traveled.
The bus from Binghamton doesn’t’ really go all the way to Indianapolis. Aaron had to get off the bus and get onto another bus a few times. He also had to disembark a few times just at scheduled stops because they sometimes clear the bus for routine something or another that no one is allowed to discuss. Since this predates 9/11, it has nothing to do with security, and since they don’t move the bus to refill the tank it isn’t for refueling. And as far as we know, the bus driver’s girl/boy friend isn’t’ there, so your guess is indubitably better than mine.

And Ely related to me how good it felt to be free ( in no less than 3 different conversations.) But free when you are Jewish is a relative term. Pun intended.

At 8:46 A.M>, today, Wednesday, Ely texted me:
“Is Aaron on the right bus?”

He was. But only because of dumb luck.
After I picked him up at the downtown station, and we were driving away he tells me, “those bus people are really rude!”
“The people who work in the station or the bus drivers?” I asked.
“Both! I mean, one lady yelled at me and said, ‘I called for boarding that bus 20 minutes ago!”
It took me about 30 seconds before I could ask that all important question of my son who wears this kinda oddball knit hat all the time he is traveling.
“Well, did you let anyone know that you are deaf and use hearing aids?”

I have no idea why I even bothered to utter, “Well, Aaron, how are they supposed to know you can’t hear the announcements.”

I think our miracle of the day is that he was on the right bus.
I had better come up with a fucking good mantra, because I will have to be saying it a lot longer than Ely did.

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