Sunday, February 26, 2012

Story of the Day 1/ 9/ 2012 story #2 addendum to 1/8/2012

I got to bed rather late, last night.
It all had to do with Apple's technical support.
Well, the fact that it took me 6 phone calls and numerous attempts until I got someone who was able to give me what happened to be rather simple directions to solve the problem my daughter was having.

Oh yes,and I found out that we do not own the computer. Maybe, sort of.
And I am sure that, if I ever hear back from Apple, this will probably be another Story of the Day....

So, yesterday evening, after my kid showed up back at the ranch, I mean home, and the carefully written out instructions obtained from the guy at Apple to use the program we purchased from them at the time the computer was purchased were meticulously followed, a dvd was successfully burned.
Well, more than one dvd...there was the dvd to mail to the competition, there were the dvds for the actors, there was the dvd for the....
And the forms were assembled, in order, stapled, in a folder.
A mailing envelope was found. A nice padded one.
And addressed. And sealed.
And we all went off to bed.

Then, this morning, after the Youtube version had finally not just been uploaded, but had been processed...... Wait.
Did I mention that the upload took 11 hours? It was only supposed to take 10. The number of minutes that Youtube gave was an about 40. Which, considering how large the number was...well, I can't blame them.

So, it had been uploaded and then it had to be "processed", and I am vaguely suspicious that because the file was so large (which is why it took 11 hours to upload), the processing was also a rather drawn out affair...lasting until sometime this morning. But that sometime was, fortunately, before we awoke, at 5:25.

A little after 6 AM, Sarah goes and turns on the computer, and opens up the really wonderful film that she has spent weeks working on and has finally finished, and there it is.
It looks great.

It is great! It is clear!

Unfortunately, it is so clear that about 2 minutes into the 3 minute and 38 second video, Sarah sees an error in the captioning.

I scrap my plans to go to the post office, this morning.
I stare at the nicely labelled dvds in their jewel cases. The nicely labelled dvds that will be stacked up, less nicely, in the trash can- after they have been removed from the jewel cases, which we shall reuse.

Sarah has basketball practice.
So, after basketball practice, she will re-edit that section, and......will burn more dvds, and will spend another 11 hours waiting for the upload...and another night waiting for it to be processed.
And that is if everything goes smoothly.
And, tomorrow, I will go to the post office. After going to Walgreens to get another padded envelope....

The punch line is that she did not have to remove it from Youtube. Somehow, despite the 11 hours pent uploading it, and the hours it spent being processed, it never made it to Youtube. It disappeared into the mist.

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