Sunday, April 1, 2012

Story of the Day 3/ 23/ 2012 #2

My daughter is Deaf.
She currently attend s a public high school and has an interpreter who sits in front of her and interprets what the teacher and the other students say.
This can be difficult, sometimes.

Occasionally, the interpreter has to interpret a foreign phrase or an unfamiliar vocabulary term. Sometimes a student mumbles, or, even if it isn't mumbled a presentation may be in a soft voice, and Sarah's interpreter wears hearing aids that do not pick up quite everything.

And then there are the occasional moments when Sarah has to interpret for her- for the interpreter.

This week, one of Sarah's teacher's held ups stuffed penguin and said, "Look, it is a penguin in our classroom!"
The students responded to her, calling out a response the interpreter couldn't' make out.

Then the teacher then held up a stuffed bear, "Look, it is a polar bear in our classroom!"
And the students again called out a response thatch interpreter couldn't' make out.

Sarah , however, caught it and told the interpreter , "The kids said, "Nope, it is Chuck Testa!"

The interpreter stared at Sarah for a moment or two.
How did Sarah know what the students had said? She wasn't' even facing them.

Then the interpreter realized why Sarah knew what they had said.


Anonymous said...

It's CHUCK Testa. Not Chick.

Cassia Margolis said...

Thank you!!!
I will fix that. It was actually a typo that I didn't' catch. Sigh........