Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Story of the Day 4/ 6/ 2012

I am preparing for Passover.
The house is starting to smell like garlic and onions and other fine things.

My son, Aaron, is cleaning his room.

Part of the problem is that he unpacked by dumping.
Two suitcases and a carryon dumped....and not in one nice pile, either.

Part of it is my fault. I have used his room, since he left for his 5 month stay in Israel.
I put two boxes of books in his room.
I put a bin with extra blankets in his room.
But most damaging, I did taxes in his room.

I am still doing them.
They would be done, I only have two small things left to do on the taxes, but preparing for passover has interrupted anything I might have that resembles a normal life.

Before he came home, I had the tax papers spread out on his bed.
A pile for income, a pile for business expenses, a pile for .......and I was working on the computer in his room, the computer that happens to be attached to a printer.

Aaron doesn't' know about taxes.
He is 21.
He has filed income tax papers since he turned 18. But I do the work.
Every year, I fill out his forms and hand them to him to sign and then I mail them.

So, what does he know from taxes?

Before he got home, I made all of the small piles one big pile, and put it on his desk, next to the computer, so that I can refer to them as I finsih up doing the taxes.

Aaron, meanwhile, this morning, is cleaning his room.

He comes to me in the kitchen and holds out a big pile of familiar looking papers and asks me if he can recycle them.

"No, I am still doing the taxes, but i will be down soon!"

"Then can I recycle them."


I explain that we need to hold onto all of those papers for a few years.

He looks at me......

I explain about being audited or being a victim of identity theft, like I was, or , really AM, which is making me deal with tax court, and glad I still have my 4 year old papers.

Aaron looks traumatized, then he says, "This is just another reason we should pray for the Moshiach! (Mesiah)"

He is right.

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